an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background

About Us

a person wearing a helmet
a person wearing a helmet

Western charities and organisations are restricted by regulations which prevent them from directly supporting military operations due to rules around charitable laws, registration and tax relief eligibility.

During our visits to front line regions of Ukraine, we noticed significant resources were being directed towards humanitarian and animal welfare, which are also fantastic causes, however support for the military is significantly limited due to legal barriers set out in The Charities Act (UK) and other western rules. To address this gap, we created an organisation with a structure which operates outside these restrictions, allowing us to focus on providing resources directly to the Ukrainian military even in operations. This approach helps strengthen their efforts in the ongoing conflict and will hopefully one day aid an end to this war.

a woman holding a flag in a crowd of people
a woman holding a flag in a crowd of people

At Ukraine Liberation Fund, our mission is to provide direct, non-lethal support to Ukraine’s military by delivering essential equipment, vehicles, and resources to the front line. We are dedicated to filling the gap where traditional charities cannot operate, ensuring that Ukraine’s defenders have the tools they need to protect their country and people. Through close collaboration with volunteers, resistance groups, and military contacts, we work together across various continents to strengthen Ukraine’s efforts in their ongoing fight for freedom.

Why are we not a charity

How we do it?

What we do?

Our Mission

At Ukraine Liberation Fund, we are dedicated to providing non-lethal supplies to military forces fighting in front line regions of Ukraine. Our primary focus is delivering military equipment, medical kits, vehicles, and personal items to support Ukrainian soldiers in their fight for freedom.

We also play a key role in supplying materials used in the production of drones, which will be used in both surveillance and tactical operations. Additionally, we assist with 3D printing operations to help adapt drones for military use, ensuring they can be customised for specific missions and battlefield conditions.

Through our coordinated efforts with volunteers, resistance groups, and military contacts, we provide vital support to Ukraine’s defence forces, enabling them to stay agile and effective in an ever-changing conflict.

Ukraine Liberation Fund, is a group of friends who met via different projects as a result of the war in Ukraine. Each member of the team has their own volunteering experience in Ukraine and all bring their own qualities to make it possible. Our approach is efficient and focused on fundraising and coordinating closely with local networks. This allows us to provide the Ukrainian military with resources as they are requested.

Our on-the-ground coordination enables us to bypass the red tape of traditional organisations and charities, delivering support to units in need. Every donation goes directly to funding our operations in Ukraine. Without your donations, what we do would not be possible.

Our team








Donbas Logistics


Azov Logistics


Kharkiv Logistics





We have protected some of our teams identities because of the areas of Ukraine they live and due to the work they undertake
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